Disaggregated effects of artificial intelligence, online and mobile banking on customer satisfaction in banks: An analysis using structural equation modelling

Godswill Osuma, Ntokozo Nzimande

Article ID: 9941
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


In the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) era, the rapid digitalisation of services poses both opportunities and challenges for the banking sector. This study addresses how adopting artificial intelligence (AI) and online and mobile banking advancements can influence customer satisfaction, particularly in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Despite significant investments in AI and digital banking technologies, banks often struggle to align these innovations with customer expectations and satisfaction. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), this research investigates the impact of customer satisfaction with online banking (C_O) on AI integration (I_A) and mobile banking convenience (C_M). The SEM model reveals that customer satisfaction with online banking significantly influences AI integration (path coefficient of 0.40) and mobile banking convenience (path coefficient of 0.68). These results highlight a crucial problem: while technological advancements in banking are growing, their effectiveness is highly dependent on customer satisfaction with existing digital services. The study underscores the need for banks to prioritise enhancing online banking experiences as a strategic lever to improve AI integration and mobile banking convenience. Consequently, the research recommends that Nigerian banks develop comprehensive frameworks to evaluate and optimise their technology integration strategies, ensuring that technological innovations align with customer needs and expectations in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.


artificial intelligence; structural equation model; customer satisfaction; online banking; mobile banking; technology acceptance model

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9941


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