Exploration of the plastic packaging product industry towards green manufacturing, efforts to consolidate environmental impact versus productivity issues
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
Plastic products, including plastic packaging, were products whose increasing demand continued because the community still needed plastic as packaging. On the other hand, plastic waste, which was increasingly high and difficult to decompose, was a problem that needed to be solved together. This study aims to understand how plastic company packaging implements TQM, its environmental impact, and how plastic packaging companies are taking steps towards green manufacturing. This research used a qualitative phenomenological method to understand the problem based on the actor’s perspective. The data collection method was in-depth interviews with informants from 3 plastic companies in East Java, Indonesia, followed by observation and FGD. We carried out Triangulation, member checking, and professional involvement to determine the data’s validity, reliability, and trustworthiness. The results of this study indicated a management system that promotes quality as a business strategy and is oriented towards customer satisfaction by involving all members of the organization. TQM emphasized continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and employee involvement. By implementing aspects of TQM, plastic packaging companies could improve their production processes and reduce waste, increasing efficiency and profitability. In addition, TQM could also contribute to the company’s green performance by promoting environmentally friendly practices, including using electric machines to replace hydraulic machines, thereby reducing the use of electrical energy and CO2 emissions. The use of solar panels was a step towards green manufacturing. Companies that adopt TQM principles are more likely to implement environmentally friendly initiatives such as reducing energy consumption and using recyclable materials and can demonstrate a commitment to corporate social responsibility. The company’s membership in EcoVadis and SMETA further strengthens the company’s direction towards Green Manufacturing and competitive advantage.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9858
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