Achievements, challenges and directions for building the socialist rule of law in Vietnam
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
This article focuses on analyzing the achievements, challenges, and lessons learned in the process of building the Socialist Rule of Law in Vietnam after nearly 40 years of renovation, with the goal of proposing the direction of building and perfecting the Socialist Rule of Law in the new period, and ensuring its conformity with Vietnamese realities and international integration. The article draws on data from documents of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the 2013 Constitution, relevant laws and resolutions, along with data from reports on administrative reform and the promulgation of legal documents. The research methods used include document analysis, comparison, and synthesis in order to assess the reality and propose solutions to the problems identified. Alongside the achievements gained, building a Socialist Rule of Law State in Vietnam still faces many challenges. This article identifies the main orientations for constructing a Socialist Rule of Law State in Vietnam in the coming period.
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