eWOM trends: Shaping the future of hotel booking via social media
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025
Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) has become a pivotal factor influencing consumers’ decisions, particularly in the context of hotel services. With the advent of social media, it provides individuals with powerful tools to share its experiences and opinions about hotels. In this digital age, customers increasingly rely on online reviews and recommendations from their peers when selecting accommodations. eWOM on social media platforms has a substantial impact on customers’ perceptions and decision-making processes. This study aims to better understand the influence of eWOM by social media platforms on purchase intention of hotel services. To understand the influence of eWOM, this study uses the information adoption model as the model has been widely used in previous eWOM studies. The information quantity construct has been added to strengthen the model. The online questionnaire was distributed to social media users by using Google forms via social media platforms and only 210 of them were responded. The SmartPLS 4.0 software is used to analyze the data as the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) is a method to confirm the structural equation models and to test the link between inert developments. Based on results, the information quantity and information quality of hotel services on eWOM positively influences the information usefulness and the information usefulness of hotel services on eWOM positively influences the purchase intention. The results lead to increase sales of hotel services and contribute to economic growth.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9825
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