Named entity recognition in government domain: A systematic literature review

Tosan Wiar Ramdhani, Indra Budi, Betty Purwandari

Article ID: 9789
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024



Named Entity Recognition (NER), a core task in Information Extraction (IE) alongside Relation Extraction (RE), identifies and extracts entities like place and person names in various domains. NER has improved business processes in both public and private sectors but remains underutilized in government institutions, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. This study examines which government fields have utilized NER over the past five years, evaluates system performance, identifies common methods, highlights countries with significant adoption, and outlines current challenges. Over 64 international studies from 15 countries were selected using PRISMA 2020 guidelines. The findings are synthesized into a preliminary ontology design for Government NER.


named entity recognition; information extraction; machine learning; deep learning; government domain; natural language processing

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