Financial cognitive ability dimensions and investors’ behavioral intentions to participate in the stock market: Mediated by financial capability

Rafid Ullah, Hishamuddin Bin Ismail, Ali Zeb

Article ID: 9732
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


This study investigates how financial cognitive abilities influence individual investors’ intentions to engage in the stock market, particularly considering the mediating role of financial capability. It seeks to address the gaps in understanding the factors that drive investors’ participation in emerging markets like Pakistan, highlighting the importance of financial knowledge, financial planning, and financial satisfaction and financial capability. Data were collected from 377 individual investors through a self-administered questionnaire using a cross-sectional design and non-probability convenience sampling approach. Results reveal that financial knowledge affects investors’ intentions both directly and indirectly, with financial capability serving as a partial mediator. Financial planning influences intentions indirectly through complete mediation, while financial satisfaction affects intentions in both direct and indirect ways, with partial mediation. The study provides valuable insights for the researchers, individual investors, governmental officials, policymakers, and stock market regulators in context of emerging economies like Pakistan, highlighting key determinants of stock market participation.


financial knowledge; financial planning; financial satisfaction; financial capability; behavioral intention

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