Human knowledge and the derivation of universal laws from Quranic revelation

Lahcen Elouazzani, Mustapha Agli, Noreddine Choubed

Article ID: 9731
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This article explores how the Quran provides a framework for deriving universal laws that guide human knowledge, behavior, and societal norms. It begins by raising three key questions: How does the Quran guide humans in deriving universal laws from revelation and the universe? What role does deduction play in understanding human behavior and societal norms as presented in the Quran? What are the differences between the “Sunnah of Allah”, the “Sunnah of the Messengers”, and the “Sunnah of past nations” in shaping human understanding of divine laws? The article explains that the Quran encourages humans to reflect on natural phenomena and human history to extract divine laws that govern the universe and human interactions. Through contemplation and deductive reasoning, individuals can derive legal rulings and societal norms from the Quranic text. Deduction, as explained by scholars like Ibn Manzur, involves extracting meanings from texts using reasoning and understanding, and it is considered a key method for understanding divine laws.


Qur'anic studies; Sunnah; deductive reasoning; human knowledge; universal laws ؛revelation

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