Self-marketing-empirical research from the users’ perspective

Szonja Jenei, Silvia Molnár, Szilvia Módosné Szalai, László Józsa

Article ID: 9702
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024



Personal branding is a conscious activity that utilizes classic product marketing methods to make a person more marketable. In our study, we employed a quantitative research methodology. Through a survey, we examined the importance respondents assign to visible and non-visible traits and characteristics. During the data analysis, we established a ranking of the most important traits identified by the survey participants, which they believe contribute to a more favorable perception. Among the top five ranked traits—reliability, appearance, charisma, grooming, and authenticity—three are recognizable during the first encounter. Our findings suggest that women place greater emphasis on social perception than men, making them more likely to remain unnoticed. At the same time, younger generations tend to overvalue their presence on social media platforms.


self-marketing; self-branding; self-awareness; personal brand

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