Sustainable value networks: A focus on operational, environmental, and social performance

Charles Tsikada, Rose Luke, Joash Mageto

Article ID: 9695
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


Smallholder paprika farmers in Zimbabwe contribute to local economies and food security but face supply chain challenges like limited market access and poor infrastructure which lead to post harvest losses and unpredictable prices. To survive, these farmers must adopt sustainable value networks to reduce operational costs and improve performance. This study sought to establish the effect of sustainable value networks on the operational performance of smallholder paprika farming in Zimbabwe. This study, using a positivist research philosophy and a quantitative approach, surveyed 288 smallholder paprika farmers in Zimbabwe. Exploratory factor analysis and partial least squares structural equation modelling were used to validate the constructs and test the hypothesised relationships. Results demonstrate a moderate level of implementation of value networks in smallholder paprika farming characterised by successes and challenges. The findings illustrated resource sharing among smallholder farmers, facilitated by initiatives, such as recycled seed exchanges and financial support through village savings and loan associations. However, results show that challenges persist, particularly with market access and financial support. Results indicate that there is a significant awareness and implementation of green supply chain management practices among smallholder paprika farmers even though they do not have access to resources and live in rural areas. The findings demonstrate that value networks significantly influence the adoption of green supply chain management practices, which in turn positively impact operational performance, environmental performance, and social performance. Green supply chain management practices were found to mediate the relationship between value networks and environmental performance, social performance, and operational performance, underlining the critical role of sustainable practices in enhancing performance outcomes. While environmental performance showed a positive effect on operational performance, the direct influence of social performance on operational performance was found to be statistically insignificant, suggesting the need for further exploration of the factors linking social benefits to operational efficiency. The research contributes to both theory and practice by presenting a sustainable value network model for smallholder paprika farmers, integrating value network, green supply chain management practices and environmental performance to enhance operational performance. Practical implications include policy recommendations to strengthen collaboration between smallholder farmers and other stakeholdersand address power imbalances with intermediaries. Future research should extend the study to other agricultural sectors and incorporate more diverse stakeholder perspectives to validate and generalise the proposed sustainable value network model.


sustainable value networks; green supply chain management practices; operational performance; environmental performance and smallholder paprika farmers

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