Factors affecting the decision to use chatbots in e-banking services of GenZ customers in Vietnam

Nguyen Phuc Quy Thanh, Chau Dinh Linh

Article ID: 9688
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


This article aims to measure and identify the factors influencing the decision to use Chatbot in e-banking services for GenZ customers in Vietnam through 292 customers. Testing methods: Cronbach’s Alpha trust factor, EFA discovery factor analysis, and regression analysis have shown that 07 factors directly affect GenZ’s decision to use Chatbot. Those factors include (1) Customer attitude; (2) Useful perception; (3) Perception of ease of use; (4) Behavioral control perception; (5) Risk perception; (6) Subjective norms and (7) Trust. On that basis, the article has set out management implications for Vietnamese commercial banks to approach and increase the decision of customers aged 18–24 years in Vietnam.


impact factor; decision; chatbot; GenZ

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9688


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