Positive mental health and quality of life among students with disabilities and diabetes. Unraveling the role of physical fitness

Tamer Hamdy Ayad, Mohamed Ali Moustafa, Hoda Hosny Alshayeb, Musaddag Elrayah, Mohamed Abdelhamid Zayed

Article ID: 9673
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


This study aims at exploring the direct impact of positive mental health through 6 factors on quality of life among students with disabilities and diabetes at Saudi universities, as well as the moderating impact of physical fitness on all direct relationships among all variables of the study. Employing a quantitative research methodology, using self-administered surveys distributed to a sample of students with disabilities and diabetes at numerous Saudi Arabian universities. 468 completed surveys were received and subjected to statistical analysis, using PLS-SEM, and the study uncovered significant positive direct relationships between all positive mental health sub factors and quality of life among students. Additionally, the study revealed that physical fitness acts as a moderator in all direct relationships These findings offer valuable insights for universities, in order to develop and implement psychological support and academic adjustments policies ensuring students have access to health and wellness programs, and engage local communities in the creation of policies that can help students with disabilities.


positive mental health; quality of life; students with disabilities; students with diabetes; physical fitness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9673


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