Review of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) in education: A bibliometric visual analysis based on CiteSpace
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
This paper conducts a bibliometric visual analysis of the application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) in education, using CiteSpace software. Drawing on data from the Web of Science, the study explores research trends and influential works related to UTAUT from 2008 to 2023. It highlights the growing use of educational technologies such as mobile learning and virtual reality tools. The analysis reveals the most cited articles, journals, and key institutions involved in UTAUT research. Furthermore, keyword analysis identifies research hot spots, such as artificial intelligence and behavioral intentions. This study contributes to the understanding of how UTAUT has been used to predict technology adoption in education and provides recommendations for future research directions based on emerging trends in the digital learning environment.
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