Investigating household food waste in Indonesia: An extended norm activation model

Alhapen Ruslin Chandra, Ratni Prima Lita, Ma’ruf Ma’ruf, Dessy Kurnia Sari

Article ID: 9611
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


Consumers waste significant amounts of food. Food waste presents a substantial problem for the environment, society and economy. Addressing the food waste challenge is crucial for fostering sustainable behavior and achieving the Sustainability Development Goal 12.3 agenda. Norms are a significant determinant in motivating consumers to prevent food waste and could be activated by other factors. Religiosity has the potential to influence norms related to food waste behavior. This study investigated how religiosity affects the intentions of consumers to minimize food waste. The interplay of religiosity, personal norms, subjective norms, and intention to avoid food waste was examined by the extended norm activation model. Data were obtained from Muslim consumers in Indonesia. Structural equation modeling evaluation showed that religiosity positively affects the intention to prevent food waste. The intention to avoid food waste is more closely associated with personal norms compared to subjective norms. Personal norms mediate the religiosity and food waste reduction intention relationship. Consumer awareness activates personal norms by making them feel accountable for food waste’s negative impact. These findings provide insights to stakeholders in developing policies to mitigate the food waste issue.


food waste; religiosity; norms; awareness; responsibility; intention

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