The role of board heterogeneity on corporate sustainable innovation: Research from the perspective of scientific and technological innovation corporates

Yuehang Cheng, Girum Tanasorn

Article ID: 9581
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Sustainable innovation is crucial for addressing social and environmental challenges and is a key driver of enterprise competitiveness and economic growth. This study examines how board heterogeneity influences sustainable innovation in enterprises, particularly within the context of China’s Science and Technology innovation board. Findings reveal that diverse boards enhance sustainable innovation and impact M&A activities, which in turn mediate the relationship between board diversity and corporate sustainability. The research aims to understand the optimal board composition for scientific and creative enterprises, analyze the mechanisms behind board heterogeneity’s effect on innovation, and assess M&A’s role in this process. The study’s outcomes underscore the importance of board diversity for fostering sustainable innovation and suggest that M&A can be a critical pathway to enhancing corporate sustainability.


heterogeneity of the board of directors; sustainable innovation of enterprises; mergers and acquisitions of enterprises; scientific and creative enterprises

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