The influence of innovative human resource management on faculty members’ productivity. The moderating role of Entrepreneurial Mind-set

Abedallah Farouq Farhan, Yashar Salamzadeh, Christopher Richardson

Article ID: 9562
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


This research aims to examine the influence of IHRMP, recruitment and selection, training, compensation, and performance appraisal on the productivity of Faculty Members (FM) productivity working in private universities in the UAE. The study also examines the mediating role of Organizational Commitment (OC) and the moderating role of the Entrepreneurial Mind-set (EM). The research adopted the social exchange theory. A survey was conducted comprising 160 FM. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling, Smart-PLS. The findings indicate a positive relationship between IHRMP and the productivity of the FM. The findings also show that OC mediates the relationship between IHRMP and the productivity of FM. Finally, an EM was found to moderate the relationship between IHRMP and the productivity of FM.


innovative human resource practices; faculty members productivity, Organizational Commitment; Entrepreneurial Mind-set

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