The impact of sociodemographic variables in early reading acquisition
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
VIEWS - 55 (Abstract)
Research indicates a strong correlation between sociodemographic factors and success in learning to read. This study examines the sociodemographic characteristics of 1131 preschool and 1st-grade children in Portuguese public schools and explores the relationship between these characteristics and key competencies for reading acquisition. The collection included a sociodemographic questionnaire and pre-reading skills, such as letter-sound knowledge. To assess the relationship between the sociodemographic variables and the letter-sound knowledge, inter-subjects (parametric and non-parametric) difference tests were conducted, as well as correlation analyses. To understand whether letter-sound knowledge is predicted by sociodemographic variables, a multiple linear regression analysis was performed using the Enter method. The results suggest that the mother’s education is the variable that most strongly contributes to success in reading acquisition. Socioeconomic status and the type of school also play a role in reading achievement. Identifying the sociodemographic factors that most strongly correlate with reading acquisition success is crucial for a more accurate identification of at-risk children and to provide targeted support/inclusion in reading skills promotion projects.
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