Bayesian approach and demoethical foundations for sustainability: Reassessing the role of democracy in achieving equitable social transformation and sustainable development goals

Rinat A. Zhanbayev, Dinara Dauletaliyeva, Anna V. Shutaleva, Daniil G. Maksimov, Muhammad Irfan, Rimma Abdykadyrkyzy, A. E. Madenova, Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi, G. R. Temirbaeva

Article ID: 9534
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This article is devoted to studying the principles of the relationship between democracy and demoethics as tools for transforming the sustainable development of society. The study is based on the assumption that the effective functioning of democracy is associated with such social phenomena as elections and electoral behavior. The study examined electoral behavior and surveyed members of society about the qualities of candidates to which they pay special attention. An analysis of qualitative and quantitative data demonstrating the democratic foundations of elections of members of society was conducted, and an analysis of the choice of voters in the extraordinary elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan by region was conducted. In this study, Bayesian network modeling is experimentally applied to formalize the problem of identifying and analyzing the behavior of virtuous personality traits. A sociological survey of public opinion was conducted using the questionnaire method with the participation of 826 people from all regions of Kazakhstan from May to June 2023. A questionnaire was used to collect data, the main purpose of which was to compare attitudes and find out what values are considered important for people, what norms of behavior are considered acceptable, and to understand what values and norms prevail in society. It is concluded that the concept of demoethics promotes a positive transformation of humanity and helps to form a new leader of virtue, a ruler of the city, capable of making ethical rational decisions that can ensure a balance between the economic, social, and environmental needs of humanity.


democracy; sustainable development of society; demoethics; ethical rational decisions; virtuous person; leader; social transformation; social capital; sustainable development goals (SDG); Bayesian networks method

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Copyright (c) 2024 Rinat A. Zhanbayev, Dinara Dauletaliyeva, Anna V. Shutaleva, Daniil G. Maksimov, Muhammad Irfan, Rimma Abdykadyrkyzy, A. E. Madenova, Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi, G. R. Temirbaeva

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