The role of female community AIDs activists in supporting people with HIV/AIDS through confidentiality and trust
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
An important element in dealing with HIV/AIDS is to disclose of its status to others. One of the problems faced by HIV/AIDS sufferers in disclosing their status is finding people they can trust, who can keep information about their HIV/AIDS status and not divulge it to other parties without their permission. Not many people can accept them without prejudice and stigma. This article discusses the communication efforts carried out by female AIDS activists in the community as co-owners who receive information from people with HIV/AIDS and subsequently become confidants and assist them in medical and psychological and social aspects. This study used a qualitative method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with 9 Community AIDS activist women from 7 regions. The results of the study reveal the process of housewives transforming into community AIDS activists, how they get personal information about the status of HIV/AIDS and eventually become co-owners of information who eventually become confidants, have responsibilities and help people with HIV/AIDS in health, psychological and social aspects.
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