Research on the impact of dance training on the mental health of college students

Jianping Li, Lena Farida Binti Hussain Chin, Jiaolu Li, Aonan Zhu, Chen Chen

Article ID: 9499
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study aims to investigate the impact of dance training on the mental health of college students. Utilizing experimental research methods, we established an experimental group and a control group to compare changes in mental health dimensions—including anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and social skills—between the two groups before and after 12 weeks of dance training. The findings indicate that dance training significantly reduces levels of anxiety and depression, while also improving self-esteem and social skills, thereby enhancing social adaptability. These results provide empirical support for the use of dance as an intervention for mental health and offer new insights for mental health education in colleges and universities.


dance training; college students; mental health; anxiety; self-esteem; social skills

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