Hexagon theory perspective on financial statement fraud in Indonesian ministries

Arna Suryani, S. Sudirman, U. Ubaidillah

Article ID: 9487
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study aims to examine and analyze financial statement fraud from the perspective of the hexagon theory using secondary data. The research sample was selected through purposive sampling, consisting of Ministries and Agencies in Indonesia. The research method employing the OLS (ordinary least squares) approach involves testing the model’s suitability through the F-statistical test, evaluating the coefficient of determination by examining, and conducting hypothesis testing using EViews. The findings of this study suggest that pressure and sscapability do not significantly influence financial reporting fraud. In contrast, opportunity, rationalization, arrogance, and collusion positively and significantly impact financial fraud reports. Implementing a whistleblowing system is crucial for ensuring that e-procurement encompasses all elements of government organizations, serving as a means of transparency and accountability to mitigate the occurrence of fraudulent financial reports within government entities, particularly in Ministries and Agencies in Indonesia. The financial audit opinion is not intended to detect fraud but to assess conformity with government accounting standards, the extent of disclosure, compliance with legislation, and the effectiveness of the government's internal control system. This can encourage institutions in other countries to strengthen the financial security of their organizations.


Hexagon theory; pressure; opportunity; rationalization; capability; arrogance; collusion

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9487


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