EU sustainable finance framework

Szonja Jenei, Arnold Tóth, Kobla Sewornu Afadzinu, Botond Géza Kálmán

Article ID: 9485
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


Our study focusses on the sustainable finance framework of the European Union. Given that the concept, target system and practical implementation of sustainability have become one of the top priorities, we consider it important to present in an understandable and simple form what activities and regulations have been created in this regard within the scope of the European Union’s common policy. Starting from the concept of sustainability, we analyse its significance. We examine the economic, social, corporate governance and environmental pillars and the European Green Deal based on them as foundations, as well as some prominent elements of sustainable finance: the Taxonomy, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. We review the relationships and interactions of the above elements. We describe the sustainability objectives of the European Green Deal and the resources related to them, as well as the Sustainable Finance package of the European Commission. We also provide an overview of the regulatory details of the above-mentioned elements of EU law, thereby making the complex and complicated process of regulation transparent. These issues are relevant to Hungary and other EU member states located in Central and Eastern Europe and they have an effect on their policies.


sustainable finance, financial culture, European green deal, ESG framework, corporate sustainability reporting

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