A quest for a decision-making model for Indonesia’s national social security policies

Iene Muliati, Utomo Sarjono Putro, Yudo Anggoro

Article ID: 9479
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


This study aims to identify key strategies and tactics necessary to effectively implement national social security in a democratic Indonesia. Indonesia established the Law on the National Social Security System in 2004. However, the national social security programs did not commence until 2014. The national social security implementation has faced significant obstacles. These challenges include recurring delays, legal disputes, appeals, judicial reviews, and deviations from the original policy objectives, all threatening the long-term viability of the national social security programs. This article applies a qualitative approach by critically analyzing regulations, government reports, and publicly available data and observing open public meetings and hearings concerning implementing national social security programs. Our findings indicate that implementing national social security policies in a democratic Indonesia depends on effectively managing the dynamic processes involved in policy formulation and adoption. We propose a risk-based decision-making model to assist policymakers in mitigating policy-related risks and enhance the effectiveness of future policy agendas in social security.


decision-making; implementation strategies; policy adoption; policy formulation; policymaking; policy risks; social security

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9479


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