AI-driven resilience in revolutionizing supply chain management: A systematic literature review
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
In today’s fast-moving, disrupted business environment, supply chain risk management is crucial. More critically, Industry 4.0 has conferred competitive advantages on supply chains through the integration of digital technologies into manufacturing and logistics, but it also implies several challenges and opportunities regarding the management of these risks. This paper looks at some ways emerging technologies, especially Artificial Intelligence (AI), help address pressing concerns about the management of risk and sustainability in logistics and supply chains. The study, using a systemic literature review (SLR) backed by a mapping study based on the Scopus database, reveals the main themes and gaps of prior studies. The findings indicate that AI can substantially enhance resilience through early risk identification, optimizing operations, enriching decision-making, and ensuring transparency throughout the value chain. The key message from the study is to bring out what technology contributes to rendering supply chains resilient against today’s uncertainties.
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