The implementation of ijarah muntahiyah bittamlik in infrastructure project financing within the public-private partnership models: A collaborative governance perspective

Lasarus Bambang Sulistyowarno, Akhmad Akbar Susamto, Agus Heruanto Hadna, Nurhadi Nurhadi

Article ID: 9459
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This paper investigates the implementation of ijarah muntahiyah bittamlik (IMBT) as an infrastructure project financing scheme within the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) models from a collaborative governance perspective. This paper follows a case study methodology. It focuses on two Indonesian non-toll road infrastructure projects, i.e., the preservation of the East Sumatra Highway projects, each in South Sumatra province and Riau province. The findings revealed that Indonesia’s infrastructure development priorities and its vision to become a global leader in Islamic finance characterized the system context that shaped the implementation of IMBT as an infrastructure project financing scheme within the PPP-AP model. Key drivers include leadership from the government, stakeholder interdependence, and financial incentives for the partnering business entity to adopt off-balance sheet solutions. Principled engagement, shared motivation, and the capacity for joint action characterized the collaboration dynamics, leading to detailed collaborative actions crucial for implementing IMBT as a financing scheme.


IMBT; infrastructure project; public-private partnership; availability payment; PPP-AP; collaborative governance

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