Impact of a program on ethics of public servants in the municipality of Rionegro in Colombia
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
The research addresses the importance of ethics in public administration, focusing on public servants in the municipality of Rionegro, Colombia. Ethics is presented as an essential element to promote transparency and combat corruption in public management. Despite the fact that the 1991 Constitution establishes ethical principles, their application in practice remains a challenge, with a high level of immorality in public service. The study highlights the diversity of professional profiles in public servants, which hinders consistent ethical management. In addition, it mentions that many civil servants lack political training and understanding of the importance of their role, which contributes to corruption. Ethics, according to the authors, is a key tool for strengthening institutions and regaining public trust. The research evaluated the impact of a professional ethics training program on public servants, finding significant improvements in their ethical knowledge and behavior. It concludes that, although ethics will not solve all corruption problems, it is an indispensable component for strengthening accountability and justice in public administration. It underscores the need to implement continuous training programs that promote ethical values as part of a strategy to improve efficiency and transparency in public institutions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carolina Sanabria Palacio, Orlando Carmelo Castellanos Polo, Nelvis Ester Navarro Charris, Daniel Alberto Grajales Gaviria, Enoc Barrientos Perez, José Alexander Velásquez Ochoa, Javier Eduardo Campo Escandon, Olson Ortiz Tovar, Jorge Eduardo
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