Exploring social media marketing in higher education on academic social network sites: A Hungarian case study analysis
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
The evolution of the internet has led to the emergence of social media (SM) platforms, offering dynamic environments for user interaction and content creation. Social media, characterized by user-generated content, has become integral to electronic communication, fostering higher engagement and interaction. This study aims to explore the utilization of SM marketing, particularly in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), focusing on Széchenyi István University’s academic social network sites (SNS) as a case study to enhance student engagement and satisfaction. The primary objective of this study is to review recent academic literature on SM marketing, especially for HEI marketing, and investigate the potential of the University’s SNS platforms as a case study in increasing student engagement. First a systematic literature review was conducted using Scopus and Science Direct databases to analyze recent research in academic SM. Then the article examined the University’s website and SNS platforms using the Facepager program to collect and analyze posts’ content. The findings from the literature review and observation indicate the growing importance of SM in higher education marketing. The university’s use of various SM strategies, such as visual storytelling, multimedia content, blogs, and user-generated content, contributes to increased student engagement of the university’s values.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9431
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