Building the future of rural-based wellness tourism: Infrastructure and policy considerations for rural Thailand

Parichat Suntararak, Watsida Boonyanmethaporn

Article ID: 9387
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Rural-based wellness tourism presents a unique opportunity for sustainable economic development in Thailand, particularly in regions rich with natural and cultural resources. The significance of this study lies in its focus on addressing the gap in understanding how rural-based wellness tourism can be supported through infrastructure development and policy frameworks. While wellness tourism has been extensively studied in urban settings, there is a clear need for research that examines the unique attributes of rural wellness destinations, particularly in Thailand, where rich cultural heritage and natural landscapes provide a strong foundation for wellness tourism development. This study examines the key attributes of rural-based wellness tourism destinations, emphasizing how infrastructure development and policy frameworks can support their sustainable growth. Quantitative method using structured questionnaire is the primary research tool. Using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), six core attributes—Uniqueness, Facilities, Activities, Attractions, Natural Setting, and Wellness Therapy—were identified as critical components that shape tourist experiences and drive destination success and validates them using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The article highlights the vital role of infrastructure, such as transportation and wellness facilities, in enhancing the accessibility and appeal of rural destinations. Additionally, policy considerations are explored, focusing on environmental protection, community-based tourism, and investment incentives that encourage the sustainable development of wellness tourism in rural Thailand. A proposed model integrates these attributes with infrastructure and policy measures, offering practical recommendations for stakeholders to promote rural-based wellness tourism that fosters local economic growth while preserving natural and cultural heritage. The findings contribute to the broader understanding of how rural wellness tourism destinations can be developed to meet the evolving needs of modern travelers and support long-term sustainable tourism strategies.


rural-based wellness tourism; rural-based wellness tourism destination attributes; community-based tourism; rural development; Thailand

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