Exploring employee’s perception of line manager’s leadership style and its impact on employee retention: A qualitative investigation

Syed Monirul Hossain, Syed Arslan Haider, Shehnaz Tehseen, Martin Kocourek, Kavitha Sathasivam, Fakhra Yasmin, Farkad Mahli

Article ID: 9382
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study investigates non-academic employees’ perceptions of their line managers’ leadership styles at a private university in Malaysia and how these perceptions influence their intention to remain employed. Employing a qualitative approach and the path-goal theory as a theoretical framework, data were collected through purposive sampling from 10 non-academic employees and analyzed thematically using NVivo 12 software. The findings reveal that a supportive and participative leadership style fosters an informal leadership dynamic between line managers and subordinates. Informal leadership behaviors encompass affective qualities and effective communication that enable the development of close relationships outside the workplace, facilitating increased employee engagement and motivation levels. Consequently, this approach notably improves employee retention. This study offers a comprehensive understanding of informal leadership styles contributing to enhanced human resource management at the private university while providing an inclusive perspective on employees’ perceptions and their intention to remain employed. Finally, we propose a model of employees’ perception of leadership styles as the main driver that better serves their intention to stay in organizations.


leadership; employee retention; path-goal theory; supportive leadership; participative leadership; informal leadership

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9382


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