Can a training program on climate change promote pro-environmental behaviors? A pilot study with adolescents

Nadia Rania, Fabrizio Bracco, Francesca Munerol, Lara Polo, Massimo Milelli, Nicola Loglisci, Ilaria Coppola

Article ID: 9348
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Environmental Education (EE) programs are of crucial importance. EE are aimed at global citizenship to generate new knowledge and new, more participatory and conscious ways of acting in the environment. This study, therefore, wants to verify the effectiveness of a training intervention that is based on education on climate change issues and on the active participation of subjects in the dimension of the small psychological group. At the intervention 309 students took part, equally distributed by gender (52.1% males), 64.4% enrolled in primary school, 35.6% enrolled in lower secondary school. A quantitative protocol was administered to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. The study shows an increase in pro-environmental behaviors and their stability even after 15–30 days. The intervention seems to be effective in triggering pro-environmental behaviors and maintaining them in the following weeks. The results of this study highlight the need to develop environmental education pro-grams in schools to increase levels of knowledge and awareness on the issue of climate change.


environmental education programs; primary school; lower secondary school; quantitative research; Italy

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