An empirical approach assessing the impact of financial product innovation towards investors’ risk adjusted return: An event study technique
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
The purpose of this study is to explore new financial product’s impact on the behaviour of individual investors. To analyze investors’ risk and return expectations, this article investigates trading volumes before and after the introduction of financial product innovation. An event research technique was used to gather data from the National Stock Exchange. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Sharpe ratio approach, which were provided by different investors. The research results highlight that individual investors’ overreaction behaviour is brought out by financial product innovation. Furthermore, the study’s results imply that rising trading volumes are not entirely explained by updated risk-adjusted returns and that new financial products lead to excessive trading by investors and lowering returns. Higher trading volumes are not explained by better risk-adjusted returns. Young investors often respond irrationally to information offered by financial advisors, resulting in short-term gains at the expense of long-term gains. The study demonstrates that the development of innovative financial products does not always result in investors’ long-term prosperity. Worse outcomes and excessive trading could follow from it. The paper concludes by providing various real-world implications that the benefits and drawbacks of innovative financial products should be spelled out in detail by financial institutions and representatives. his research contributes to the implementation of individual investors’ overreaction behaviour that is brought out by financial product innovation. It highlights that higher trading volumes are not explained by better risk-adjusted returns.
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