Humanistic approach in protecting victims of human trafficking crimes

Heni Siswanto, Rini Fathonah, Haidir Anam, Andre Gunawan, Nisa Gustiara

Article ID: 9339
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


Cases of human trafficking are becoming more prevalent and represent grave abuses of human rights. Both locally and internationally, victims of human trafficking run the danger of being exploited, violent, or infected with contagious illnesses. The Indonesian government has not fully complied with the minimal criteria for safeguarding victims of human trafficking, notwithstanding Law Number 21 of 2007 for the Eradication of the Crime of Human Trafficking. Human rights restoration and respect for victims of human trafficking must be given priority in the implementation of legal protection for these individuals. To strengthen and increase the security of victims’ rights in the future, this study intends to conduct a thorough analysis of the humanism approach model and policies for safeguarding victims of human trafficking. This research uses an empirical technique to support its normative legal analysis. Primary and secondary legal sources are used in this research. The study’s findings show that the protection provided by humanist criminal law for victims of human trafficking is founded on humanitarian principles that derive from the divine principles found in the Pancasila ideology. There are additional requirements for punishment, such as its purpose, its ability to serve as therapy, and its determination to reflect the victim’s and society’s sense of justice. This criminal law is founded on the principles of legality and balance.


victims of human trafficking; humanist approach; legal protection

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