Cadastres and land management in Africa: Discussions on their sustainability and lessons through a semisystematic review

Mawussi Kossi Nyalewo, Tchakouni Sondou, Karl Martial Nassi, Gbati Napo, Coffi C. Aholou

Article ID: 9327
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


The challenge of developing cadastral infrastructure in Africa is inextricably linked to the global issues of sustainable development. Indeed, in light of the constraints inherent to conventional cadastral systems, alternative systems developed through land regulation programmes (LRPs) are compelled to align with the tenets of sustainable development. A discursive study, conducted through a semisystematic literature review, enabled the selection of 53 documents on cadastral systems deployed in multiple countries across the African continent. A number of systems were identified and grouped into four categories: urban, rural, participatory and hybrid cadastral systems. These systems are developed on the basis of standards and sociotechnical approaches, including the LADM, STDM, and FFP, as well as innovative technologies such as blockchain. However, their sustainability is limited by the fact that they are not multipurpose cadastral systems. Consequently, there is an urgent need for studies to develop a global framework that will produce truly significant and sustainable results for all sections of society.


cadastral system; land management; sustainable development; semisystematic review; African continent

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