Work-life balance, Green Human Resource Management, and employee performance: Empirical study of a Malaysian service company
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
VIEWS - 139 (Abstract)
Green Human Resource Management (HRM) is considered an emerging field of management that evaluates and ensures green performance and outcomes in organizations. In today’s dynamic business environment, work-life balance has become one of the key issues faced by many employees all over the world. Maintaining work-life balance is an issue increasingly recognized as of strategic importance to the organization and significance to employees. In doing so, the present study introduced independent and dependent variables to explain the underlying mechanisms of green HRM and work-life balance and its impact on employee performance. A total of 90 employees of the calibration services company have completed a set of questionnaires through Google Forms to provide data for the analysis. This study is using census method as one of the best probability sampling techniques to be used it’s a systematic method that collects and records the data about the members of the population and is suitable when the case-intensive study is required or the area is limited. This study has adopted the quantitative method in this research as the method allows the researcher to focus on the research. The data were analyzed through SPSS which facilitates descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regressions. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses in this research. The findings showed that green HRM and work-life balance were the significant variables influencing employee performance in the study. In addition, the significance of the study included providing new knowledge from the theoretical perspective, obtaining a better understanding of the importance of green HRM and work-life balance from the perspective of employee performance, and contributing to the efforts made by the government to improve the probability of green culture in organizational and balancing professional life and family life employment of employees through policies from the perspective of the government. Lastly, recommendations for employers, employees, government, and future research are made to improve employee performance.
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