From pirouettes to paychecks: Unraveling the dynamics of economic level on dance training institution engagement

Yong Zhou, Haksoon Yim

Article ID: 9297
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


Purpose: This research aims to unravel the intricate dynamics that connect economic status with individuals’ engagement in dance training institutes. Focusing on the affordability of classes, access to resources, awareness, cultural background, and geographic location, the study seeks to provide a nuanced understanding of how economic considerations influence various facets of engagement within the dance community. Method: Conducted through 13 semi-structured interviews, this research adopts a qualitative approach to explore the multi-faceted relationships between economic status and dance engagement. Thematic analysis, structured in three steps, is employed to uncover patterns, themes, and insights within the qualitative data. Findings: The study uncovers a myriad of findings that illuminate the impact of economic factors on dance engagement. Affordability emerges as a significant barrier, influencing access to classes and participation in competitions or performances. Access to resources, including studio space and trained instructors, proves pivotal in shaping individuals’ experiences within dance education. Awareness and exposure play crucial roles, with limited exposure hindering engagement, while the cultural background and geographic location intersect with economic considerations, shaping preferences and opportunities within the dance community. Originality/Significance: This research contributes to the field by offering a focused exploration of economic influences within the dance community. The originality lies in its holistic approach, considering the interconnected nature of affordability, access to resources, awareness, cultural background, and geographic location. From a policy and institutional standpoint, the findings have practical implications, guiding initiatives to address disparities and foster a more accessible and supportive environment within dance training institutes.


dance education; economic factors; engagement; socio-economic dynamics; cultural inclusivity

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