The relationship between college students’ indecisiveness and career decision-making: The mediating role of anxiety
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
This study explored the relationships between college students’ indecisiveness, anxiety, and career decision-making ability. Using the convenience sampling method, 1072 college students at a college in Hunan Province, China completed a questionnaire online that included the Indecisiveness Scale, Career Exploration and Decision Self-Efficacy Scale, and Generalized Anxiety Scale-7. Participants reported their gender and place of origin (rural or city). They indicated whether they were an only child, were left behind, and liked the major they were studying. The t-test was used to identify differences in indecisiveness, career decision-making ability, and anxiety according to demographic characteristics. Correlations were calculated between the main variables of interest. Regression analysis was conducted to test the mediation model. Participants who liked their major were significantly more indecisive than those who did not like their major. Career decision-making ability was significantly higher among men than women, participants from urban areas than those from rural areas, participants who were an only child than those with siblings, and among non-left-behind participants than those who were left behind. Anxiety was significantly lower in participants who liked their major than those who did not like their major. In addition, anxiety partially mediated the relationship between indecisiveness and career decision-making ability. College students’ indecisiveness and career decision-making ability are affected by sociocultural background, gender, family background, and career interest. Anxiety partially mediates the relationship between indecisiveness and career decision-making ability. Implications of the findings for counseling college students are discussed.
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