Transferability of the competences acquired in the elite athlete career to the project manager role analysis

Kateřina Bočková, Martin Šimko, David Anthony Procházka

Article ID: 9287
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 0 (Abstract) 0 (PDF)


What personal competences of successful project managers are determined by their former career as an elite athlete? To answer the question, comprehensive research is carried out, implemented as part of the EEIG-EU/P-Kr/06.12/23 project. The primary aim is to establish conclusively which particular personality traits, identified and analysed using the Big Five Inventory-2 and supplemented by structured interviews, directly contribute to the success of former elite athletes transitioning into roles as effective project managers. We found that successful project managers who were also elite athletes possess personality traits that can be identified as positive determinants of success in either sport or professional careers. Among these personality traits, we can include a low level of neuroticism and a high level of conscientiousness, then extraversion and agreeableness. This paper contributes to a nuanced understanding of how the realms of sports and management intersect and overlap. The presented paper can serve as a basis for further research in the field of personality psychology and management studies.


elite athlete; Big Five model; personal traits; quantitative and qualitative research

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