Analysis of access to amenities in peri-urban areas in West Africa: A GIS-based approach in Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Benin
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
Urban facilities and services are essential to human life. Access to them varies according to the geographical location of the population, whether urban, peri-urban or rural, and according to the modes of transport available. In view of the rapid development of peri-urban areas in developing countries, questions are being asked about the ability of the inhabitants of these areas to access these facilities and services. This study examines the ability of the inhabitants of Hêvié, Ouèdo and Togba, three peri-urban districts of Abomey-Calavi in the Republic of Benin, to access commercial, educational, school and health facilities. To this end, we have adopted a GIS-based methodology. It is a combination of isochronal method and accessibility utility measurement. The isochrones were produced according to the main modes of travel recorded on the study area and over a time t ≤ 20 min divided into intervals of 05 min. Analysis of the data enabled us to understand that the main modes of travel adopted by residents are walking, motorcycle and car. Access to educational and health facilities is conditioned by the mode of travel used. Access to commercial and entertainment facilities in t ≤ 20 min is not correlated with the modes of transport used.
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