Transforming agricultural land into agrotourism area: Environmental, economic and socio-cultural perspectives
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
This study investigates the impacts of converting agricultural land into agrotourism areas on environmental, socio-cultural, and economic perspectives within Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency, Indonesia. With a case study approach, this qualitative descriptive research employed interviews with three target groups: local farmers, residents, and tourism actors. The findings revealed seven key points identified as influences affecting the socio-cultural aspects of land change, including community impact, cultural preservation, cultural identity loss, community dynamics change, local cultural commercialization, cultural heritage loss, and traditional livelihoods. The results also unveiled nine financial impacts, 8 of which were associated with economic implications such as economic challenges, risk management, brand building, costs and investments, market access, increased revenue, and income diversity, which contribute positively to local economic development. The study concluded that integrating community involvement empowerment strategies, income diversification, sustainable farming promotion, and land-use regulation is crucial for developing a successful sustainable agrotourism destination.
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