The problem of defining “juvenile justice” concept and its principles in legal science

Dariga Ospanova, Svetlana Moroz, Anara Niyazova

Article ID: 9250
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


This article addresses the complex challenge of defining the concept and principles of juvenile justice within the realm of legal science: juvenile justice is a specialized legal framework that focuses on addressing legal issues involving minors, emphasizing rehabilitation over punishment. The article explores the evolution of juvenile justice, examining its theoretical foundations, legislative developments, and practical applications across different legal systems. By dissecting various definitions and principles proposed by scholars and practitioners, this article aims to clarify the core components of juvenile justice and propose a coherent conceptual framework. This article seeks to analyze and elucidate the concept and principles of juvenile justice by examining its historical development, theoretical underpinnings, and current practices. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and comparative analysis of various legal systems, the article seeks to provide a robust framework for understanding juvenile justice, to offer clarity on “juvenile justice” definition and principles, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of juvenile justice systems and contributing to more informed policy-making and legal reform. The analysis underscores the importance of protecting minors’ rights while balancing the interests of society, thereby contributing to a more nuanced understanding of juvenile justice in contemporary legal discourse. Based on the research, it is suggested to define juvenile justice as a comprehensive system of legal norms and institutions, state and other bodies that protect the rights of minors, as well as a complex of preventive and other measures in this area.


minors; rights of the child; principles of juvenile justice; legal system; legal institute

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