Education for sustainable library infrastructure in the digital age: Analysis of library and information science curricula in South Korea
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
This study aims to analyse the current state of library and information science (LIS) education in South Korea and identify educational challenges in building a sustainable library infrastructure in the digital age. As libraries’ role expands in a rapidly changing information environment, LIS education must evolve. Using topic modelling techniques, this study analysed course descriptions from 37 universities and identified 10 key topics. The analysis revealed that, while the current curricula cover both traditional library science and digital technology topics, focus on the latest technology trends and practical, hands-on education is lacking. Based on these findings, this study suggests strengthening digital technology education by incorporating project-based learning; integrating emerging technologies, such as data science and artificial intelligence; and emphasising community engagement and soft skills development. This study provides insights into improving LIS education to better align with the digital era’s evolving demands.
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