A case study of women’s entrepreneurship dynamics in three rural districts of Andhra Pradesh, a south Indian state

Surya Manoja Dhulipudi, Sree Devi P, Prasanthi Pusapati, Jnana Venkata Prasad Goriparthi, Ramakrishna V, Raju Uppati, Sri Satya G, Uma Gouthu, Sree Brahmanandam Potula

Article ID: 9228
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 26 (Abstract) 12 (PDF)


This study aims to examine the entrepreneurial activities of 240 women in the districts of Konaseema, East Godavari, and Kakinada during 2021–2022, focusing on the diverse range of 286 enterprises they managed across 69 business types. These enterprises were tailored to local resources and market demands, with coconut wholesale, cattle breeding, and provision shops being the most common. The study also analyzes income distribution, noting that one-third of the women earned between ₹50,000–1,00,000 annually, while only 0.70% earned over ₹5,00,000. More than half of the enterprises served as the primary income source for their families. The research highlights the significant role these women entrepreneurs play in their communities, their job satisfaction derived from financial independence and social empowerment, and the challenges they face, such as limited capital and market access. Finally, the study offers recommendations to empower these women to seize entrepreneurial opportunities and enhance their success.


women entrepreneurs in rural India; scale of enterprises; self-employment; ranking scale questionnaire; job satisfaction

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.9228


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