Knowledge and absorption capacity for innovation process in the aquaculture sector: A case study in the Mezquital Valley-Mexico
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
As the population’s demand for food continues to increase, aquaculture is positioned as a productive activity that provides high-quality protein. Aquaculture activity is characterized by its socio-economic impact, the generation of jobs, its contribution to food, and constant growth worldwide. However, in the face of threats of competition, producers must quickly adapt to market needs and innovate. Given this, this research aims to analyze the impact of the knowledge absorption capacity with the adoption of innovations by aquaculture producers in the Mezquital Valley in Hidalgo, Mexico. The methodological strategy was carried out through structural equation modeling using partial least squares and correlation tests. The findings show that knowledge absorption capacities explain 77.8% of the innovations carried out in aquaculture farms. Both variables maintain a medium-high correlation; the more significant the absorption capacity, the greater the innovation.
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