Changes to the regulatory system for sports funding through the corporate tax system and the concentration of subsidies
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
Support through the corporate tax system is a very specific form of funding to promote the functioning of team sports. The basic idea of the mechanism is that profit-oriented companies can donate a larger part of their corporate tax to sports organisations. The scheme has been in operation in Hungary since 2011. Its introduction and fine-tuning required several legislative changes and EU approval. Its importance is reflected in the increase in the number of sports organisations in the respective sports. While funding is available to many sports organisations, in some cases it is quite concentrated. In our empirical research we sought to find out how the degree of concentration has changed over time. The degree of concentration has an impact on how balanced the competition is. One of the key values for sports services is the requirement of an uncertain output. The data reveal that over time the distribution has become more evenly balanced across all sport operators. The amount of funding for sports organisations has started to converge. According to these figures, there are several sports organisations with equivalent subsidies participating in the competition system. However, the majority of clubs with the highest subsidies tend to be the same from year to year. The allocation of grants is determined by the sports federation of the given sport according to the submitted applications. Decision-makers should pay particular attention to maintaining the balance of competition over a long period of time. To this end, the list of sporting organisations with the highest subsidies should be continuously assessed and revised.
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