Architecture for a technological observatory as an intelligent system for entrepreneurship in Latin America

Enrique Castro-Guzman, Ana Judith Paredes-Chacín, Eduardo Franco-Chalco, Jairo Lozano-Moreno

Article ID: 9193
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


Technological management has promoted distinctive characteristics in the socio-productive development of the regions. Its usefulness in entrepreneurial activity is studied to design the architecture of a technological observatory as an intelligent system for entrepreneurship in Latin America. Using a descriptive-explanatory method, data obtained from the application of two instruments directed to 18 experts in information and communication technologies and 174 entrepreneurs distributed 92 in Lima-Peru and 82 in Santiago de Cali-Colombia are processed. The findings show informational and training barriers and a weak or non-existent technological platform for effective entrepreneurial development. Added to the low development of plans and alliances mediated by technologies, whose experience supports public policies that strengthen entrepreneurship as an emerging economy. The architecture supports the functional and operational aspects of the system. Its scalability in other regions dynamizes the services-processes required prior to the detection of needs directed towards the projection of sustainable entrepreneurship.


technological observatory; intelligent system; business development; innovation; information technologies; software design; sustainable entrepreneurship

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