Corporate heritage employer branding in the service of national-level labor objectives
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
VIEWS - 47 (Abstract) 26 (PDF)
This paper explores how Saudi managers perceive the role of corporate heritage in achieving the employment goals of heritage organizations operating in Saudi and, in turn, Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 in relation to the Nitaqat program. Using an exploratory qualitative method, the study involved fifteen in-depth semi-structured interviews with HR managers from ten heritage-rich organizations. The analysis identified five key organizational identity traits with heritage—proficient, shelter, responsive, advancing, and centrality—that can be leveraged in employer branding to attract potential employees and enhance the employer brand of organizations operating in the Saudi market. This study is significant as it is the first to investigate corporate heritage from an employer branding perspective and in relation to national employment goals in emerging markets.
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