Integration of educational strategies and their impact on conflict resolution between company employees
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
This article addresses the pressing issue of training and mediation for conflict resolution among employees within a corporate setting. Employing a methodology that includes literature analysis, comparative studies, and surveys, we explore various strategies and their effectiveness in mitigating workplace conflicts. Through a comprehensive comparison with metrics and conclusions from other scholarly works, we provide a nuanced understanding of the current landscape of conflict resolution practices. As a result of our research, we implemented a tailored training program focused on conflict resolution for employees within a mobile company, alongside the development of a competency framework designed to enhance conflict resolution skills. This framework comprises five integral components: emotional, operational, motivational, behavioral, and regulatory. Our findings suggest that training in each of these competencies is essential for fostering a healthy workplace environment and must be integrated into organizational practices. The importance of this initiative cannot be overstated; effective conflict resolution skills are not only vital for individual employee wellbeing but also crucial for the overall efficiency and productivity of the organization. By investing in these competencies, companies can reduce turnover, enhance team cohesion, and create a more positive and collaborative workplace culture.
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