The eco-city indicators from the local perspectives in the Northeast of Thailand

Thanapauge Chamaratana, Kritsada Phatchaney, Rasita Dasri, Min Liu

Article ID: 9086
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


This research aims to delineate the ecocity indicators from the local perspectives in urban communities in the Northeast of Thailand. The research was quantitative survey research. Data was collected from a sample of 400 people who live in Khon Kaen Municipality and Udon Thani Municipality using a questionnaire. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and factor analysis. We found that the eco-city indicators from the perspective of people in the urban communities in the Northeast of Thailand were divided into three main criteria: a) economic perspectives; b) social perspectives; and c) environmental perspectives. When considering each aspect, it was found that the economic perspective had a total of 9 issues with an average of 3.06 out of 5.00, the social perspective had a total of 16 issues with an average of 3.76 out of 5.00, and the environmental perspective had a total of 14 issues with an average at 3.00 out of 5.00.


eco-city; eco-city indicators; Northeast of Thailand

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