Sociodemographic factors associated with the level of citizen insecurity in the Peruvian population

Jose Calizaya-Lopez, Jimena Rodríguez-Moscoso, Luz Karina Calderón-Rodríguez, Marco Manuel Zevallos-Echegaray, Ariosto Carita-Choquecahua, Ferdinand Ceballos-Bejarano, Rildo Bellido-Medina, Lady Concha-Díaz, Ana Rosario Miaury-Vilca

Article ID: 9082
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 35 (Abstract) 8 (PDF)


Introduction: Citizen insecurity is a complex, multidimensional and multi-causal social problem, defined as the spaces where people feel insecure mainly due to organized crime in all nations that suffer from it. Objective: To analyzes the sociodemographic factors associated with public insecurity in a Peruvian population. Methodology: The research employed a non-experimental, quantitative design with a descriptive and cross-sectional approach. A total of 11,116, citizens participated, ranging from 18 to 85 years old (young adults, adults, and the elderly), of both sexes, and with any occupation, education level, and marital status. The study employed purposive non-probability sampling to select the participants. Results: More than 50% of the population feels unsafe, in public and private spaces. All analyzed sociodemographic variables (p < 0.05), showing distinctions in the perception of citizen insecurity based on age, gender, marital status, occupation, area of residence, and education level. It was determined that young, single students, who had not experienced a criminal event and reside in urban areas, regardless of gender, perceive a greater sense of insecurity. Contribution: The study is relevant due to the generality of the results in a significant sample, demonstrating that the study contributes to understanding how various elements of the socioeconomic and demographic context can influence the way in which individuals perceive insecurity in their communities, likewise, the perception of citizen insecurity directly affects the general well-being and quality of life of residents, influencing their behaviors and attitudes towards coexistence and public policies; which will help implement more effective actions in the sector to reduce crime rates.


citizen insecurity; sociodemographic variables; public and private spaces; crime; population

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