Online gambling addiction: Problems and solutions for policymakers and stakeholders in Indonesia

Adi Fahrudin, Evi Satispi, Meiti Subardhini, Rini Hartini Rinda Andayani, Achmadi Jayaputra, Lisa Yuniarti, Febtri Wijayanti, Suryani Suryani

Article ID: 9077
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


The rise of online gambling in Indonesia has emerged as a significant public health concern, driven by various psychological, social, and regulatory factors. Despite stringent laws prohibiting gambling, the accessibility and appeal of online platforms have led to increased participation, particularly among young adults. This phenomenon is characterized by a paradoxical sense of control that users feel while gambling online, which can lead to compulsive behaviors and addiction. The structural characteristics of online gambling platforms, including fast-paced games and easy accessibility, further exacerbate this issue. Social influences, particularly through social media and peer interactions, normalize gambling behaviors, making them more appealing to adolescents. Mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, are closely linked to online gambling addiction, as individuals may use gambling as a coping mechanism. The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified these challenges, with many individuals turning to online gambling for entertainment during lockdowns. To address the growing prevalence of online gambling addiction, comprehensive regulatory frameworks are needed, alongside responsible gambling initiatives and public awareness campaigns. Collaboration among stakeholders, including government agencies, healthcare providers, and gambling operators, is crucial for effective intervention. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of online gambling trends will inform future policies and help identify emerging risks. By adopting a multifaceted approach, Indonesian policymakers and stakeholders can work towards minimizing the risks associated with online gambling and fostering a healthier environment for its citizens.


online gambling; addiction; mental health; regulatory framework; youth vulnerability

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