Challenges in implementing educational strategies for women’s career advancement towards advancing SDGs in Malaysia
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
The purpose of this study is to identify the key challenges in implementing educational strategies for women’s career advancement in Malaysia’s corporate sector, and to evaluate their impacts on advancing gender equality (SDG 5) and quality education (SDG 4) in the country. The study employs a qualitative phenomenological approach, utilizing the combination of purposive and snowball sampling to conduct in-depth interviews with senior female executives in Malaysia, exploring their experiences and perceptions of obstacles on the implementation of educational strategies for women empowerment in the corporate sector. The findings uncover four major challenges in implementing effective educational strategies for women’s career advancement which are insufficient organizational support and underrepresentation of women leaders; unconscious gender bias and stereotypes; resistance to change and work-life balance challenges. The study offers practical insights for corporate sectors and human resource management to develop comprehensive policies and practices that is essential to empower women and promote gender equality within the organization. The challenges identified in the findings provide valuable direction for the development of targeted interventions and strategies that address the unique challenges women face in the corporate sector, thereby enhancing their leadership potential and contributing to the achievement of gender equality and quality education as outlined in SDG 5 and SDG 4. This qualitative approach offers a unique, in-depth understanding of the challenges and successes women face in their career advancement. The findings will provide valuable insights for corporate sectors, policymakers, and human resource management on the guidance to develop an effective framework and approach that promotes gender equality and women leadership within Malaysia’s corporate setting and contribute to both academic literature and practical interventions.
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